Laboratory for the development of new materials and packaging systems.
The Producer Extended Liability Act (REP Act) "aims to reduce waste generation and promote reuse, recycling and other types of recovery".
This law creates an opportunity to change the way we work in the packaging industry and user companies, to move as soon as possible from a linear economy to a circular economy.
Laben Chile, is at your disposal to travel this path and for this purpose offers you:
a) Audits of packaging and products, to find out what the current situation is.
b) Life cycle analysis.
c) Compatibility of structures for recycling.
d) Development of new materials with improved properties.
e) Development of nanostructures for strengthening recycled polymers.
Laben-Chile's facilities allow you to test at the laboratory, pilot and semi-industrial scale level, so that you can obtain prototypes that can be tested quickly in the production plants themselves.